A recent study in France suggested that turns eating spicy foods can increase testosterone for men. Not only that, it can also increase libido for men.
As quoted from the Health Me Up (18/12), a study entitled 'Some Like it Hot' was conducted by researchers from the University of Grenoble, -Aples in France, and showed that men who like spicy foods have a high sex drive and socially dominant. The study was published in the journal Physiology there Behavior.
The study involved 114 men 18-44 years of age group served food mashed potatoes and spicy pepper sauce and salt. The researchers found that there is a direct relationship between preference spicy sauce with the increase in salivary testosterone existing participants.
Saliva has a number of high spice content with the level of testosterone also increases. This confirms that testosterone increases due to contact with a spicy sauce. While the effect of the extent of salt consumed absolutely no effect on it.
The higher level of testosterone a man, will be directly proportional to the level of libido. It's just that until now has not known the exact mechanism for this. Regardless, these sex tips may be useful for you men.
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Selasa, 30 Desember 2014
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